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Clinically Reviewed by Dr. Matin Hemmat LPCC, CADC. If you love someone and they are in trouble, it is human nature (for good people) to want to help. Actually, you don’t even have to love someone to want to help. If you see someone stuck in quicksand, a reasonable person will try to pull them out.
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Clinically Reviewed by Dr. Matin Hemmat LPCC, CADC. Addiction is the great equalizer. Just like any natural disaster that comes your way, it does not care if you are rich or poor, brilliant or struggling, wild and carefree or profoundly lonely. It does not care if you’ve made promises to yourself never to be like your
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Clinically Reviewed by Dr. Matin Hemmat LPCC, CADC. There’s a lot of bad news in the world, and if you’ve landed here, you might be in the midst of some of it. Or maybe someone you love has been talking about some subjects that feel dangerous—feel like there is more than an interest on their part.
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Clinically Reviewed by Dr. Matin Hemmat LPCC, CADC. What can you even trust anymore? AI seems to be able to create reality out of nothing. All of our media and social media feel like they are so jaded or one-sided that the truth is missed for more clicks. But when it comes to analog—physical things—we expect
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Clinically Reviewed by Dr. Matin Hemmat LPCC, CADC. There are some things you can go without for a bit. Even though you may have said it before, you don’t need your vanilla latte to function in the morning or your ChapStick to get you through the day. You may think those things are necessary, but you
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Clinically Reviewed by Dr. Matin Hemmat LPCC, CADC. Strange Science and K18 K18. Sounds a little like the rating scale for a precious metal or gem. However, suppose you hear it in conversation or with someone you care about, and they have a history of testing out substances. In that case, K18 probably refers to a synthetic
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Clinically Reviewed by Dr. Matin Hemmat LPCC, CADC. The great misunderstanding about addiction, a misunderstanding that leads to so much stigma and grief, is that willpower is enough. If we want to stay sober, we will. If you just try, things will eventually click, and you will be drug and alcohol-free for good. Of course, this
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Clinically Reviewed by Dr. Matin Hemmat LPCC, CADC. It's a bit of a shock when you use something only to realize that it’s something else entirely. Maybe you salted your coffee, thinking it was sugar. Or you put some super glue in your eyes, thinking they were eye drops. mislabeled bottle of vitamins, a deceptive text
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Clinically Reviewed by Dr. Matin Hemmat LPCC, CADC. Many substances have a reputation for healing or enhancing performance but sit in a “gray” area of safe options. They might be accepted by some, but the laws are murky, and the overall understanding is convoluted. White Kratom is one such substance. As you may know, White Kratom is
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How to Stop Enabling Addiction

What Causes Addiction?

Mixing Fentanyl with Cocaine

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